28 Mei 2008

Just piece of....

Fine... it's my final decision...

It's all over... I wouldn't choose anything.... I wouldn't choose anyone.... None of them. Just suck to think about what man alike. Just pieces of bullshit...
All men are same. They're too pitty to make a straight of their own principles. Suck... Suck... Suck...
He.... and another he... None of you, guys!!!!! No one can make me breath so free... All they want is one thing... just one thing which make my life changes forever.
What a God damn something called a MEN....!!!!!!!!

Gw kira idot beda. Gw kira dia laki-laki sejati. Gw kira dia bisa bener² ngebimbing gw.
Tapi .... Ternyata....
Sama aja..!!

Did he ever really cares to me? Did he ever thought that some relationship can builded by pure feeling only? Without something like physical activity??????
Did HE....??????

Semua teori gw ternyata bener. Seribu test yang sama gw lakukan terhadap seribu laki-laki..
Ternyata benar kalo laki-laki itu gak bisa menjaga kemaluan malu ....

* Dan sekali lagi gw kecewa.... :(

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